Fried Squash Blossoms with Chevre and Basil
On March 15, 2011 a “peeping” package arrived at our local post office.  I got home and put eight tiny chicks into their new brooder home in our attic. Rose named all eight. Fuzzworth, Cuzi, Kiki, Peep, Nugget, Cutie Pie, Mary and Milly were shipped as soon as they were hatched. They were only 24 hours old when we received them from the hatchery. Two black astrolorps, two americanas (easter eggers), two salmon faverolles, and one black copper maran. 

A few weeks later Big Daddy and my father-in-law broke ground on our new urban chicken coop. My mother has been extremely verbal about her disapproval of her neighbors decision to raise chickens. We all have learned quickly about raising chickens in a few short months. We have to deal with things like “pasty butt” and ripped combs. We even had our first dog attack last week, which made us realize how close we have become to these fuzzy butts!  Who saved all eight of our chooks? MY MOTHER! I found her in the middle of the street screaming at the dog with a huge rock in her hands ready to use it if the dog came back for another chicken. 


Rose and Cutie Pie
Our first three eggs!

They perch at the back door waiting for us to come out with a treat. They follow us like dogs, sit on our laps and have even allowed the girls to use them in place of baby dolls as they roll around the yard in baby carriages. They have won ALL of our hearts and have become family members

Nugget trying to reach the grapevine 
Well, finally after 23 weeks Cutie Pie and Cuzi have laid their first eggs!!!! It was so exciting! We had almost forgotten the reason for getting them in the first place. FRESH EGGS. 
So what the hell does this have to do with squash blossoms???
My Grandfather loved to fry vegetables or make fritters out of them. His batter recipe, which is like a tempura, is very easy. My mother and I thought we could use his recipe and one of my fresh eggs to fry some squash blossoms that we bought at the farmer’s market today.
Here is the recipe: 7oz All Purpose Flour (1 1/2 cups)
                              1 egg
                              Sparkling Water
Mix flour and egg together in bowl using a fork. Add sparkling water to thin. Use your own judgement on how thin you like your batter. The thinner the batter the less will stick to whatever you are dipping. Use a small frying pan (6 inch) with 6-8 tablespoons of oil to fry. Just enough to cover the bottom of pan. Fry until golden brown. Lay on paper towels to drain. 
There is a little tedious prep work you have to do on the blossoms before you fry them. You have to gently remove the pistel from the center of the flower. 

We fried some plain and stuffed some with Brie. Really good!!!
You can stuff with ricotta and fresh herbs or even chevre.                      

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